Update: 11.11.2009

Comparison of the names and the comments in the maps of Petrocheilou, Dumas, Cockerell, Charton and Sieber

Abb. 00a Bezeichnung von Räumen, Gängen usw.

The names in the map of Sieber were not given by himself, but by the french consul De Vasse. He explored and measured the Labyrinth together with him - that's probably why his map is written in French and not in German, Sieber's original language. Some rooms are called according to the mythology. Petrocheilou took these names from Sieber - as she said herself - and completed them. But if we compare the names, we will find just four names corresponding (marked red). Four more names are to be found at both authors, but used for different rooms (marked blue). Besides there are two maps by Petrocheilou, which do not exactly correspond with the names. One of the maps, the more detailed one, which you can see it in chap. 2, contains 27 names, the other one only 15. If there were differences in these two maps, I put them in parenthesis. The names by Sieber are taken from his original map, as you can see it in chap. 2. If we Abb. Ausschnitt Plan Sieber: P.Pokoke 1709Abb. Ausschnitt Plan Sieber: 1407look at the names by Sieber, we will find only a few names according to the mythology - most of the names are trivial. Besides, Sieber put some special comments on his map: "R.Pokoke 1739" and the year "1407" refer to some inscriptions - Richard Pococke (Sieber didn't write this name correctly) visited the Labyrinth 1739 and published 1743-45 a book, where he wrote about this. The names by Dumas and Cockerell are taken from their original maps, as you can see them in chap. 2.

Legend (original english) down on the right on Cockerell's map, as you can see it in chap. 2:
(in parenthesis the french translation by Charton ("Magasin Pittoresque" 1854), who took the map from Cockerell)

A to CDEEE to C     the greatest length of ark (?) being about 921 paces  (Charton: "environ 921 pas")
x     Passages where we were unable to penetrate (Charton: "passages dans lesquels il a été impossible de pénétrer")
o    Chambers described by Tournefort (Charton: "chambres décrites par Tournefort")
B    Passages & Chambers which do not appear to have been seen by Tournefort (Charton: "passages et chambres qui probablement n'avaient pas été explorés par Tournefort")

Notes (4 notes) written directly by some galleries and rooms on Cockerell's map:
(Charton wrote in place of the notes the additional letters F, G, H and J into the map. He put the notes belonging to the letters into the legend, exept the note belonging to F.)

Note 1 (N1, Charton: G): very narrow (Charton: "galerie très-étroite")
Note 2 (N2, Charton: J): Passage generally about 8 ft wide & 8 ft high (Charton: "galerie large et haute de plus de huit pieds")
Note 3 (N3, Charton: H): very narrow & encumbered with fallen fragments (Charton: "étroite galerie encombrée de débris")
Note 4 (N4, Charton: F): Chamber called by the Greeks Trapezi (Charton: The legend belonging to F is missing)

map Petrocheilou Dumas Cockerell / Charton Sieber
(first entrance / entrance A)
(missing on the map) (missing on the map) (missing on the map)
a ΠΡΩΤΟΣ ΘΑΛΑΜΟΣ (first room) (missing on the map) (missing on the map) (missing on the map)
b ΑΙΘΟΥΣΑ ΑΡΙΑΔΝΗΣ (Ariadne's room) (missing on the map) (missing on the map) (missing on the map)
c ΚΕΝΤΡΙΚΟΣ ΔΙΑΔΡΟΜΟΣ (A') (main gallery (A)) (missing on the map) (missing on the map) (missing on the map)
(room of the table stones)
(6) Entrée du Grand Labyrinthe
(entrance to the big Labyrinth)
 -  -
e ΚΡΥΦΙ ΠΟΡΤΟΥΛΑ (small secret door) (1) Issue fermée (closed entrance) (missing on the map) (missing on the map)
f  - (7) (missing on the map) (p) Chambre d’Ariadne (Ariadne's room)
g  - pierres taillées et soigneusement arrangées (worked and carefullly arranged stones)  - (o?) Roche pendente
(hanging rock)
h  -  - E La petite porte (the small gate)
i  - Branche la plus proprement taillée
(the most tidy worked gallery)
 - La tabl oblique
(the big table)
1 ΑΙΘΟΥΣΑ ΠΑΛΗΣ (battle room) (8) E

(n) Salle du Combat (battle room)

1a ΚΡΥΦΟΣ ΘΑΛΑΜΙΣΚΟΣ (small secret chamber) (9) Sopha (sofa ?) x
1b ΚΑΤΗΦΟΡΙΚΟΣ ΘΑΛΑΜΟΣ (descending room)  -  -  -
j1  -  - E Trou du Chat (hole of the cat)
j2  - (10) Partie pleine de décombres
(part full of fragments)
o L’escalier (stairway)
(room of the ceremonies)
 - x chambre des chauves souris
(room of the bats)
1.V. ΠΡΩΤΟ ΤΡΙΣΤΡΑΤΟ (first branching) (11) E (m)
k  - (12) Chiffre de Tournefort / pilier de la Végétation des pierres
([number of the] year of Tournefort / pillar with stone vegetation [what means the phenomenon, that engraved inscriptions get filled up with white cristals, called "végétation des pierres" by Tournefort])
 - L’oreille du Dominique
(Domenico's ear)
2.V. ΔΕΥΤΕΡΟ ΤΡΙΣΤΡΑΤΟ (second branching)  -  -  -
(resting room)
(13) Salle des pilastres
(room with pillars)
o salle du repos
(resting room)
(room of the table)
(14) Grande salle (big room), Sieges (seats), Décombres (fragments) o, N4 Trapezi (table)
m  - Route Condamnée Comme dangereuse (dangerous way) E Corridor de l’union (gallery of the union)
(room of the bats)
(15) Salle Encombrée par les Tremblements de Terre (room encumbered by earthquakes) o Salle du Festin
(room for banquets)
l  -  -  - Les deux pilliers (the two pillars)
3.V. ΤΡΙΤΟ ΤΡΙΣΤΡΑΤΟ (third branching)  - E  -
6 ΑΝΤΡΟ ΘΗΣΕΑ (Theseus’ home) (16) Salle de dôme (room of the dome)
(missing on the map)
(missing on the map)


Les chambres des trois amis
(the rooms of the three friends)
7 ΣΠΗΛΑΙΟΓΑΛΑ ((room of the) cavemilk) x


8 (no name) (missing on the map)


m  -  -  - Corridor de l’union (gallery of the union)
9 ΘΑΛΑΜΟΣ ΒΩΜΟΥ (room of the altar)
(today not accessible because of caving-in 1)
 -  -  -
10 ΘΑΛΑΜΟΣ (ΑΙΘΟΥΣΑ) ΝΕΡΟΥ (water room) (17)
 - Sallon fourchée
(splitted room)
10a ΜΥΣΤΙΚΟ ΑΝΤΡΟ (secret chamber)  -
caving-in 1 ΚΕΝΤΡΙΚΟΣ ΘΑΛΑΜΟΣ (central room)
(today not accessible)
(18) D (l)
n (missing on the map, today not accessible) (21) Branche où se trouvent des orniers (gallery with traces of vehicles) N3 La grande porte
(the big gate)
caving-in 2 (missing on the map, today not accessible) (6) Point Captieux (deceptive point) C (k)
o (missing on the map, found and inserted by me)  -  - (i) / Corridor des Comunications
(gallery of comunications)
o1 (missing on the map, found and inserted by me) (missing on the map) (missing on the map) (r) Corridor du Labyrinth petit (?)
(gallery of the small Labyrinth)
o2 (built or cleaned up in modern times) (missing on the map) (missing on the map)
p  -  -  - Chemin de Gortyne (way to Gortys)
q  -  -  - La première grotte (main cave)
r  -  -  - La petite grotte (small cave)
(second entrance / entrance B)
Première Entrée à my-côte de la Montagne (main entrance at half way of the hill) A  -
4.V.  - (fourth branching)  -  - (a/b)
11 ΑΝΤΡΟ ΜΙΝΩΤΑΥΡΟΥ (Minotaurus' home) (missing on the map) (missing on the map) (s) Les grandes Salles (the big rooms)
11a ΠΡΟΣΧΩΜΕΝΟΣ ΘΑΛΑΜΟΣ (anteroom) (missing on the map) x La Salle d’Abord (anteroom)
s  -  -  - Les Cavernes (the caverns)
(deceptive branching)
Vray passage à travers des Roches Entassées (true way through the heaps of rocks)  - (h)
t3  - (5) Passage Etroit (narrow gallery) N1  -
t2  -  - N2  -
t1  - (3)  -  -
t (missing on the map, found and inserted by me) (4) Issue comblée (?)
(entrance filled up)
x (missing on the map)
12 ΑΝΗΦΟΡΙΚΟΣ ΘΑΛΑΜΟΣ (ascending room) (20) Salle Recreusée du Minotaure
(room digged out of the Minotaurus)
 -  -
12a  - (19) (pilliers) isolés (single pillars)  - Retranchement (reduction ?)
12b  - (19) pilliers (isolés) (single pillars)  - La Caverne de Thesée (Theseus' cavern)
12c  -  - Les raffrechissements
(place of the refreshments (?))
12d  - (missing on the map)  -  -
12e (missing on the map, found and inserted by me) (missing on the map) B (H or M ?) La pugnée (the fist) / R. Pokoke 1739
12f (missing on the map, found and inserted by me) (missing on the map)  - La grotte humide (humid cave)
12g  - (missing on the map) 2 short galleries to
the west with "x"
at the end
13  - Partie Vaste et très Elevée
(high, spacious part)
B La Fosse (the hollow)
u  - (1) Issue fermée (closed entrance)  - (c/d) Cul du sac (bottom of the sack)
u1  - (1) Issue fermée (closed entrance) x (e)
u2  - (1) Issue fermée (closed entrance) x (missing on the map)
u3  - (missing on the map) x (missing on the map)
v  - (1) Issue fermée (closed entrance) x 1407
w  - (1) Issue fermée (closed entrance) x Les deux bras (the two arms)
x  -  -  - (g)
y  - (2) x (f)
G  -  -  - L’ISLE GRANDE (the big island)
P  - (missing on the map) (missing on the map) L’ISLE PETITE (the small island)
T ΚΕΝΤΡΙΚΟΣ ΔΙΑΔΡΟΜΟΣ B' (central gallery B) fausse Route (wrong way)  - ALLEE TROMPEUSE (deceptive way)